Whether your interests lie in Agricultural, Commercial, two, three or four wheeled transport
this is the club for you.



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Aims and Objectives of the Hooe’s Old Motor Club


  Now often referred to as the Hooe Motor Club Mk2 :-)       

  The club is open to all parties, Ladies and Gentlemen. Our aims include fostering interest in the preservation of the older vehicle and giving mutual and technical support  in  the use, and enjoyment of using an older vehicle of the pre 1980’s.

  The club currently has many members with cars and motorcycles ranging from the 1900’s upwards, which are used on a regular basis during the summer months when members meet at various shows; usually collecting into small groups to enjoy the company of other club members. Since the year 2000 an array of changes were made; The club moved from the Red Lion to the village hall and monthly meetings were then arranged on the 1st Friday of every month meeting at 7.30pm.


  A newsletter is produced (currently two times a year) with items of interest, write ups of member’s experiences and committee notes etc.    

  This web site which is a relatively new venture will, as well as ensuring a presence on the World Wide Web, be able to publish articles, pictures and interesting links that constraints of space don’t allow us to put in the ‘hard copy’ newsletter.

  Membership which is only £15 yearly per person or £20 to include a partner, has risen from 12 to 150+, club meetings usually attract from 40 to 70 members. A typical meeting can cover anything from Film Shows, talks, Vehicle runs, demonstrations, and social events; various outside events are also arranged  with coach trips and local visits to interesting places (see Newsletter).  

  The annual show has also changed in recent years and is well known throughout the Southeast area as THE show to attend, with over 40 trade and auto jumble stands and a vast array of unusual cars that are rarely seen anywhere else.  

  The Hooe club annual show is an attraction that one has to book early for. Recent numbers have become so great that a limit will have to be regrettably imposed, the show date is always the first Sunday in August, the club is also a member of the Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs.

Site conditions


Rules and Constitution.pdf